Bulgarian Monasteries website looks a little bit different. OK, it's a lot different. But what you can't see is even more significant than what you can... news archive ยป

Lozen Monastery "St.Spas"
At first, the Lozen monastery was built in the 11-12th c. but was destroyed soon afterwards during the invasion of Ottoman troops to Bulgaria in the late 14th century. It was rebuilt in the 17th century by a monk who came from the Athos peninsula in Greece. The present-day church, St Spas, consists of 3 naves and was built in 1821 by Master Tsvyatko Todorov. In 1868, the church was painted with frescoes most of which have survived to date. The Samokov citizen Nikola Obrazopisov with his aides Hristaki Zahgariev and Dimitar Dupnichanin - painted all the frescos. The biblical scenes that can be seen are many, but Kiril and Methodi, St Ivan of Rila, Patriarch Evtimii, and other men of letters and enlighteners are painted with exceptionally great devotion. Canonised Sofia citizens such as Nikola Novi of Sofia, Geori Novi of Sofia, Konstantin of Sofia can be also recognized among the images. The monastery is a female one and is operational.
The Lozen monastery, St Spas, can be reached on foot from the eastern end of the Lozen village in the suburbs of Sofia. It takes 20-30 minutes to get there from the village by following the road to the highest peak in the Lozen mountain Polovrak.